It depends on each individuals preferences, I'm sure a sixteen year old girl wouldn't like to play GTA IV whereas a 16 year old boy wouldn't like to play Singstar.
What's up? I'm a Anthro Artist, Metal Lover, and Video game addict. I <3 RENAMON
Age 32, Male
a furry's nightmare
North Carolina
Joined on 3/23/08
It depends on each individuals preferences, I'm sure a sixteen year old girl wouldn't like to play GTA IV whereas a 16 year old boy wouldn't like to play Singstar.
you make a really good point, but as a refrence, I know a couple of chicks who love GTA, but then again my city's weird..... LOL
You seem like a cool guy. You'll go on my "cool list of people on newgrounds" if I ever get around to making it. :P
sweet..... a cool list.... man, don't I feel special....
.................... nothing...... nothing for like a weekend , idk........ Would love comments!
violence is awesome I think mk and digimon would be a great mix ,im a DBZ fan I think DBZ and MK would be onesided And blood would be everywhere
LOL, I read you.. DBZ is already bloody, but with MK... it would be crazy! :P. Glad to see someone else who thinks the same :)
meh, I gave this thread a pic now
violence does make stuff cooler sometimes expesially anime that's why I don't really like all the edited ones anyways nice pic your a good artist^^
damn editors.... I know what you mean..... BTW: thanks
if its a still picture it depends on how each thing is placed and how the blood is positioned however if its a game/movie as long as its not completely over gory it rocks
....well thought out comment
yes betty spams my profile too with his multiple accounts but i have the power of the BAN button!
good idea.... bad betty banned bitch.
you need to make a new news post
Violence is usually AWESOME, when done right, blood, gore, and the fighting have to be made just right to form the perfect combination of artistic mastery.
well.... so far, everyone seems to say violence does make a fight better..... to some extent.
Yiff In Hell your furfag, go back to your house and fuck your renamon bedspread you sick fuck. I hope everyone you loves finds out about your disease and then they isolate you. You can say you are not a furfag, but you act just like one, prove to me that you aren't and I will eat my words.
yes i do