it has actually happened..... I"M DEPRESSED............ I've been looking on DA and NG , and I feel like shit. My drawings looks like doodles compared to some of the things I've seen. Even my renamon pics get blown out of the water by some of the fanarts I've seen of her.
I'm trying to recover by practicing more, but I'm having trouble just thinking about an idea to draw.
Hopefully my vacation will let me regain self -confidence so I can get better..........
anyway, I'm leaving to go to Ohio tomorro to go visit family for a month.
see ya later : (
It's a weird feeling when you get depressed for the first time. It happened to me about a month ago. It was the only time it happened to me. But your vacation will probably make you feel better. And when you feel better, your art will probably get better too. Just try and forget about whatever you are depressed about.
I hope so, and thanks for the comment