argh........ School starts for me tomorro >:(.... which means less time to hang around NG and even less time on my art < : (.
Oh well, At least my first and Last classes deal with art ( HELL YEAH )... so there's that to look forward to ( I've got Painting 1, and Ceramics 1 this year )
also, I'm sure I will do alittle doodling in school, which always leads me to making something big.
anyway, I'm sure there's some of you feeling the pain too. ( BTW: I wont be on pass 9:00pm on weekdays except friday of course. )......... so yeah
you got lucky I didn't get a single art class...........FUCK THE PATRIOTS ^__^
Man...... people love that blog I wrote.......
yeah, lets just say I had a big grin on my face when they lost