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Alright....... last night, I Decide ALL requests that have been asked of me, WILL BE DONE.........sooner or later
I've already started on 2 requests outa about 8 ( yes, I've dug a hole, and now I got to dig myself out ), And I'm trying to work on them as much as I can ( school's a bitch )
Projects I have to do
Redenvie's Garurumon pic ( you are the one who asked for this, right? )
Keosan's Forgotten picture ( it was from along time ago, actually, I don't think he comes on anymore )
Three DA requests..........
and a Small comic :(
so yeah...... I'm gonna work on those
on the lighter side, I've seen a commercial about a week and a halve ago that made me " LMAO "
It's the Mercs 2 Commercial with a song that still makes me laugh
It you liked the ad, check out
( Video was uploaded by EA, yet the quality still sucks -_- )
EA uploaded a bad quality image and will charge you to see the good quality one.
Oh no they didn't, oh no they didn't, oh no they didn't....
ehh... it doesn't matter to me......... it's all about the song : 3